What’s the future for non-profit fundraising?
Businesses and non-profits join together to help each other.
How? Spark Giving helps the supporters of non-profits find real estate professionals who will donate a portion of their fee back to the organization.
We help non-profits connect with real estate professionals who will donate a portion of their earnings back to the organization. This new donation stream helps reduce the stress of fundraising.
We help real estate professionals connect with non-profits who will point their supporters, board and staff members to your business. You, in turn, pledge a donation back to them for new clients with whom you close sales.
We network businesses and non-profits together to help each other. Non-profits seek to send businesses new clients. Businesses then donate back a portion of their earnings. It’s a win-win.
How it works for Non-Profits
How it works for Businesses
Spark Giving is here for you
We know how vital non-profit work is and how hard it is to keep the vision alive when carrying the burden of fundraising. We also know the challenge real estate professionals face in finding new clients. Both of the founders of Spark Giving have worked in and supported non-profit organizations and are currently involved in real estate. We understand both worlds.
Through Spark Giving, non-profits sign up to get their own Spark web page in order to network with real estate professionals. Real estate professionals pay a small monthly membership fee to sponsor and be featured on these non-profit pages. Non-profits, in turn, spread the word about their sponsor businesses – sending supporters, staff and board members to their Spark web page to choose from businesses who will donate back to their organization.
This is a win-win for non-profits and businesses!
Non-profit supporters also love Spark Giving because they get a great real estate professional who will donate a portion of their earnings to their favorite non-profit, and it doesn’t cost them anything extra. People enjoy working with businesses who are making a difference.
Circlewood is a community of people committed to cultivating a more ecologically-conscious faith. We are based in the Puget Sound region of Cascadia (the Pacific Northwest), but we are part of a global movement. We are rooted in the broad Christian tradition, but partner with all who seek to live in more harmony with each other and the earth.
The Lighthouse Mission
Lighthouse Mission works throughout Whatcom County to break the cycle of homelessness. This is done through four distinct programs that come alongside people, wherever they are at, to offer hope, give dignity, serve, and support as they undertake the difficult work of leaving homelessness behind.